Ramses Jose Sánchez Fornica

Ramses Sanchez

Since January 2014, I’m a PhD student in the research group of Prof. Hartmut Monien. My research interests cover:
  • Interplay of disorder and interactions in quantum systems
  • Frustrated magnetism
  • Strongly correlated electronic systems
  • Computational methods in condensed matter theory
A bit more in detail, I’m interested in the ground state properties of the hole-doped kagomé antiferromagnet whose half-filled limit (Heisenberg model) is believed to display a spin-liquid ground state. Our current approach is based on the Schwinger-boson slave-fermion mean-field theory.

More recently I’ve become very interested in the so-called Many-body localization problem in bosonic systems. We would like to understand the superfluid-fluid-insulator transition of one- and two-dimensional gases of interacting bosons immersed in random potentials.

Curriculum Vitae

You can find my CV here.


e-Mail: rsanchez (at) th.physik.uni-bonn.de
Phone: +49 228 / 73 - 2549
office: Nussallee 12
Room 1.032b
D-53111 Bonn